Grading Cancer Cells
After cells have been examined under a microscope, the cancer cells can be graded according to how similar to ovarian tissue cells they are. Grade 1 cells are most like ovarian tissue cells and are therefore less likely to spread. Grade 3 cells are very irregular and are more likely to metastasize. Grade 2 is a mid point. Knowing the grade of the cells helps to determine the course of treatment that will best serve the patient. For example, in low grade stage 1 patients with grade 1 cells, chemotherapy may not be needed.
General Health of the Patient
Studies have shown that age is not a valid gauge to determine treatment methods. Older women can tolerate ovarian cancer treatment well. Our team uses an integrated team of health care professionals who provide for all of the needs of the patient.
An important factor in determining treatment is whether the patient is planning to have children. Ovary sparing protocols can be considered when forming the treatment plan.