Liver Cancer Treatment Los Angeles
Treatment depends on several factors including the stage that the cancer is in, the age and general health of the patient and most important, the wishes of the patient. Options for liver cancer treatment in Los Angeles include:
Removing a portion of the liver is possible where the tumor is small and liver function hasn’t been compromised. This is called a partial hepatectomy. Position of the tumor will have a bearing on whether surgery is an option.
Liver Transplant
This option is limited to a small percentage of patients with early stage liver cancer. Patients must wait for a healthy liver from a deceased donor. When a donor liver becomes available, the cancer may have progressed beyond the point where a transplant is an option. Another form of liver transplant is living related transplant where a segment of a living blood related donor’s liver is transplanted.
Chemotherapy drugs are injected into the artery that supplies the tumor with blood and then the artery is blocked. This approach has a two-fold effect on the tumor by blocking blood supply and targeting cancer-fighting drugs at the tumor.
Radiation Therapy
High-powered energy beams are directed at the cancer cells, effectively shrinking them. Another method is to simultaneously focus multiple beams of radiation at the tumor.
Targeted Drug Therapy
This is a specialized form of drug therapy that prevents the tumor from creating new blood vessels. It is effective in slowing the growth of tumors.
Heating or Freezing Cancer Cells
Using ultrasound, an instrument containing liquid nitrogen is directed onto the tumor, freezing and killing the cells. Heating cancer cells uses radiofrequency energy to heat and kill the cells. As with freezing, ultrasound is used to direct the precise placement of a thin needle, which is then heated with electricity, effectively killing the cells.