One Centralized Location
Apart from the environmental drawbacks that come with the hospital experience, most hospital campuses require patients to travel to multiples offices located in several different buildings, each with separate departments and staff. In some cases, these buildings may be located in separate areas of the city and often require patients to travel to different locations with complex parking arrangements.
Conversely, our facility and services are completely centralized. That is to say — most testing, screening and treatment as well as necessary medical equipment, medical specialists and support staff exist right here onsite, within the walls of our center.
This fact eliminates the need for patients to travel from building to building or around the city for different components of their treatment and we are able to provide more effective and efficient care throughout the entire treatment process.
The services in our centralized center include a research and clinical trials program, chemotherapy treatment and infusion center, radiation therapy treatment center, laboratory, diagnostic imaging center accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR) (including CT, MRI, PET/CT, bone scan, nuclear medicine and ultrasound), pharmacy and integrative and wellness services (nutritionist, psychosocial services, massage, acupuncture, etc).
Since the Beverly Hills Cancer Center offers a wide array of centralized services, and since we can get many test results back the same day, we have the ability to conduct testing, screening and start critical life-saving treatments all in one day, as opposed to the multiple days or even weeks that other facilities often require. Further, our faster test results and other similar benefits of centralized care all contribute to rapid diagnosis, swift treatment and an overall improvement in quality of care. We offer top quality, rapid and efficient care in a healing atmosphere, resulting in optimal outcomes and prognosis for our patients, which all of our patients deserve.